Renaissance myON: Troubleshooting Teacher Access

If a teacher is not listed within the myON user list, verify the teacher meets the criteria listed below:

Is the teacher a Language Arts teacher assigned to student schedules?

  • Only teachers assigned to student schedules in Infinite Campus have a roster in myON and access to myON.

Does the teacher’s class have myON assigned?

  • From the Renaissance Home page, select Courses and Classes.
  • In the Actions column on the right, click Assign Products next to the appropriate course.
  • Locate the teacher’s class. If no products are assigned, check the box next to myON.
  • Check the box next to each class you want those products assigned to. (To select all classes, check the box next to the Class column heading)
  • Click Assign and click Done.

Has the teacher logged into Renaissance and clicked the MyOn link?

  • Teachers must login to Renaissance and click the myON link to be added to the myON user list.